local stuff for local (gov) people

random thoughts from the notes dump

i have a load of scrappy ideas stuffed in Google Keep, Docs, Notion and OneNote. here are some excerpts

imagine if instead of reporting numbers and stats for performance monitoring every quarter (number of calls taken, time spent on X, amount of money raised from Y...) every department reported their top problems / challenges and or opportunities.

useful progress is outcomes and change not descriptions of or lists of tasks or number of things done.

DIGITAL should focus more on internal, hidden back office stuff than jazzy things that residents see. that's the stuff that costs us time, money and staff motivation and enjoyment of their jobs.

the grey sludge is the time that disappears on stuff like trying to remember where some file is stored, and who you need to ask for that thing, and is that form on the intranet or on the shared drive, and I was just doing this but now I've been asked to urgently do that... it doesn't really get captured when you map out processes in isolation. also known as context switching. i think reducing that is key to improving efficiency, over improvements to individual tasks.

true transformation is changing the system (the organisation structure, the underlying ways the organisation works) not fiddling with technology or changing how individual transactions happen.
i am quite the grump about ✨transformation✨ 😂

#random thoughts